I made a video about relativity I just made my first proper youtube video. I think there is a lot of room for improvement, but I am happy with the physics, and maybe you will be too:
Kepler's laws In this blog, I wanted to trace the history of how we came to know three neat facts about the motion of the planets. These three facts are known as Kepler’s laws, and they are rather beautiful observations that led to the development of classical physics. We will wander
Creating a novel chaos game The concept of self-organised criticality (SOC) was invented in the late 80s. The idea is that a system can naturally evolve towards a critical point and then stay there. The example first used to introduce the idea was called the sandpile model. The sandpile model is a cellular automata with
I was in an advert My PhD program put out a call for people to be in an advert and I accepted. I spent a day being made to feel like a celebrity by Joy of Angel Sharp Media. I'm really impressed with how good they managed to make us look! If anyone